Meet the members of the Symphony Board
Stephen E. Markovich, MD
Chair, Ohio Health, President & CEO
Robert Morrison, Jr.
Co-Vice Chair, Midwest Trust & FCI Advisors, Managing Director
Nelson Yoder
Co-Vice Chair, Crawford Hoying, Principal
Aaron Alt
CFO, Cardinal health
Amy T. Shore
Secretary, Nationwide, Executive Vice President & Chief Customer Officer
Rosa M. Ailabouni
Giordano Albertazzi
Melody Birmingham
Joseph A. Chlapaty
Vinita Clements
Robert Cochran
Michael P. Foley
Hector Garcia-Santana
Jack George, MD
Cindy Hilsheimer
Marcy Hingst
Terry Hoppmann
Eric Johnson
Varun Mahajan, MD, DABR
The Honorable Algenon L. Marbley
Ted McDaniel, PhD
Gay Su Pinnell, PhD
Skip Prichard
Steve Snethkamp
Kate Sturgess
Michael Weiss
Ex-Officio Trustees
Judy Connelly
Jody Porreca
David Thomas
Betsy Sturdevant
Honorary Trustees
Ronald A. Pizzuti
Zuheir Sofia